The Washington DC/Northern Virginia/Maryland area is expected to get one- to two- feet of snow over the weekend, and OH MY GOD - SOMEONE CALL IN THE TROOPS WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE.
AOL news reports:
"The second massive -- and potentially record-breaking -- snow storm of this winter has begun pounding the Mid-Atlantic region. The storm already has been dubbed "Snowmageddon" as it is expected to dump 1 to 2 feet of snow by the time it winds down Saturday evening."
Snowmageddon? Really? Could they be any more dramatic about an accumulation of white, powdery frozen water drops that might go up to...your calf?

Having lived in DC for nine years, and having been privy to the last "major" snowstorm in the history of humankind EVER (the December 21, 2009 storm), reminded me how wildly annoying people are who live in an area that doesn't typically receive a lot of snow. They do things like call a teensy snowstorm "Snowmageddon." Or hoard all the meat, water and milk from the supermarket like they're going to be snowed in for the rest of their lives rather than one day. Or have road crews that make the situation worse by dumping sand on the snow, creating a dirt-cicle more slippery than a freshly zamboni-ed ice rink rather than using salt. We all know that road safety takes a backseat when it comes to keeping those SUV's rust-free and looking nice.
One or two feet is nothing. You're talking to someone who was born and raised in Michigan. Talk to me when you have to shovel out of your friend’s trailer with a wooden spoon because you and all your friends got drunk and while you were all passed out, a snow drift accumulated and buried an entire mobile home. Yet you are still expected to make it to work. On time.
Snowmageddon. Pfft.
Ambz the Ripper
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