Now I have no idea where my extreme lack of appreciation for Miss Hathaway comes from, but it's embedded deep in my mind and I just can't shake it. Maybe it was the nightmare I had featuring a very annoying and squeaky-voiced, eager to please business woman and her eye-rolling fish-out-of-water-in-New York City adventures that I've seen a million times. In this particular night terror, she also had a pot-bellied and equally annoying boyfriend with a hipster white boy ‘fro. This guy didn't leave her annoying ass when she turned into a snobby New Yorker after seeing the lifestyle and did a total 180 from her previously sweet, innocent perky demeanor. You know, another plot that we've seen a million times. Maybe my annoyance was enhanced by the knowledge that this irritating, average-looking actress was sharing screen time with a legendary actress of epic proportions - THE Meryl Streep, resulting in fame-by-association to the benefit of Ms. Hathaway.
But wait - that wasn't a nightmare. That was “The Devil Wears Prada” and ever since 2006, Anne Hathaway has been f’ing up my eyesight with poses like this. I want to blame it all on THE Meryl Streep for making Anne Hatahway famous, but Meryl can’t be blamed as her brilliance simply radiates effortlessly off even the most mundane of actresses. Case in point: Anne Hathaway.
Ambz the Ripper